Telephone Pole Mishaps Abound — Christmas in Essex, Maryland 1946
1958 Rockaway Beach Crab Feast
Rockaway Beach Volunteer Fire Department Crab Feast
Sunday, June 29th, 1958
Decker’s Garden (Hoffman’s Lounge, Bobby B’s)
RBIA’s Community History Luncheon
The Improvement Association is hosting a Community History Luncheon on March 8th at Eastern Yacht Club at 11:30 am. Tickets are $10 per person (this is a mini-fundraiser event for RBIA). Tickets must be purchased in advance!!!
The luncheon will be catered by Norris Seafood and the menu will include: Crabcake finger sandwiches, shrimp salad, chicken wraps, potato salad, cole slaw, and chips. We will also have dessert items on hand as well. I believe there will also be a cash bar.
The event is going to be an “interactive panel discussion” on the history of the Essex/ Middle River area, with emphasis on the Back River Neck Peninsula and our community! We will have a “panel of experts” to facilitate discussion and field questions from the audience about the history of our neighborhood. That panel will be comprised of local historians, and some longtime residents- some of which are third and fourth generation members of the community!
A sampling of the topics will include:
- Bauernschmidt Manor and Bauernschmidt Brewery
- Ballestone-Stansbury House
- Somoigy Farm
- Bootlegging in Rockaway Beach / Sue Island
- Baltimore Yacht Club & Eastern Yacht Club
- Hoffman’s Lounge
- Josenhan’s Corner
- SB 509 and the controversial revitalization of Baltimore County’s east side
- AND Much, Much more!!!
We will also have on display some old photos, artifacts, maps and home videos of things of historical significance to our community!
It’s important to get to know about the history of the community in which you live! It is my hope that all who attend will attend and leave having learned some things about their community they didn’t know when they walked in!
If you are interested in purchasing tickets – please contact Kevin McDonough.